Wednesday, June 03, 2015

I think It's Really Happening

That's the kitchen renovations. We've a date and a time, the selection of appliances and fixtures has been made and all that remains is for them to turn up. Fingers crossed that it all falls into place. I'll let you know.

In other news I seem to have either strained or torn one or more of my intercostal muscles. I've previously had cracked ribs on three occasions and I have to say that this is equally painful. I struggled through a Pilates class yesterday which, although the physio modified the exercises so as not to aggravate the injury, was probably a mistake, because it is worse today. The worst of it is that it can take weeks to heal and every breath stresses the injury. I have so much to do at the moment that this is the last thing I need. Ah well, as one of our Prime Ministers once said, "Life wasn't meant to be easy".


Jo said...

That's pretty bad luck Helen. Anything doctors can do for you? I broke a rib once so know that kind of pain, excruciating comes to mind.

Hope the kitchen all goes to plan.

Jo said...

Coincidence. wasn't sure what intercostal muscles were so checked. Matt hurt his side the other day, I now think he may have bruised his intercostal muscle

Helen V. said...

Apparently it's just wait and it will eventually heal itself, Jo. Tell Matt I feel for him. It is not fun.