Monday, January 28, 2019

Bolero Flashmobs

I love a flashmob and Ravel's Bolero. Here are both of them combined in two different places. What more could you ask?

This one comes from Spain

And this one was in Leeds in the UK

Sunday, January 20, 2019


That's me waving just to let you knowI'm still here. I'll have to be brief because - well, let's start at the beginning, shall we.

Back in October I had cataract surgery. It went smoothly and although I was having trouble seeing due to the discrepancy in vision between the operated eye and the unoperated one that was a small price to pay for the few weeks before I could have the second done. So far so good. Then I had the second eye done - and could see even less. That was not what I was expecting. When Pisces had his cataracts done after the second operation it was like 'Wow, I can see.' He had to get new reading glasses but he could actually still read albeit with some difficulty without them. I, on the other hand, am still seeing the world as pretty much a blur. I'm only able to write this post thanks to the computer enabling me to enlarge everything to silly levels and I can only work for a short time. Then I developed some inflammation within the eye itself which has added pain to my miseries and means I can't even get new glasses which may help a little. That's my hope anyway.

So I haven't forgotten you and I'll be back as soon as I can. Wish me luck. I need all I can get.