Monday, June 12, 2023

The Tangled Lands by Glenda Larke

 In the interests of transparency I should tell you that I know Glenda and have done for many years - since we were in our teens in fact. That said I have to say she is has also been one of my favourite fantasy writers ever since her first novel was published. She has an incredible capacity to create extraordinary worlds. People using a tidal bore as transport, a world where giant millipedes are used for transport and, of course, magic to mention just a few details from some of her novels  will tell you she has an amazing imagination. Add to that the ability to transport you into these worlds so they are utterly believable and to create strong and beautifully drawn characters and intricate plots and there's a lot to like. So when I heard she working on a now novel I was watching to see when it might be released. Now it's here and it was worth the wait

The Tangled Lands is Glenda Larke at her best. As Pisces would tell you I could barely  be dragged away from it to do, well, anything really. She has created yet another unique world where magic happens but life also goes on. There are universal themes of prejudice, fear of the other, temptation and different kinds of deeply personal griefs but there is also honour and growth as characters make mistakes (sometimes with terrible consequences) and  learn and change. 

To say it was gripping is an understatement. I love fantasy when it's like this - and  as you've probably guessed I recommend this novel highly. Who knows you might then want to have a look at some more of Glenda Larke's novels many of which I see are still available. There are all sorts of extraordinary worlds to enjoy between those covers.