Sunday, May 03, 2020

Updating - the 100 Day Challenge Begins

I've talked about the 100 Day Challenge before and we've just started a new round as of May 1 - and by we I mean a large number of people I don't know and never will get to know who are doing this and also the members of the small closed Facebook support group started by a friend a while ago. The group I find keeps me accountable because we post updates and the need to do that can turn a day when you think you can't be bothered into one where instead you do at least one thing towards your goals. That's the whole point really  - to do at least one thing, however small towards your goal every day. We all know how easy it is to let things slip and that's why the group is so important.

My goals this time are more concrete - the last couple of times they were too big and so I never felt I was achieving enough. I was making progress but it was swallowed up in the magnitude of the tasks I'd set myself. So if you're interested - and to keep myself more accountable (if I tell you what I've got planned I figure I'll be able to guilt myself into keeping going) - here they are:

1. To dig out or otherwise get rid of the couch grass infesting the sweet potato bed. I don't like to use weedkiller so I'm not sure exactly how I'll do it if digging doesn't work but I've got 100 days to figure it out, haven't I.

2. To finish the decluttering and reorganising of my office/craft room. I was doing well with this but then I hit a wall for no apparent reason.

3. Declutter and reorganise the linen cupboard. Linen cupboard is something of a misnomer because, while it does store towels, sheets, other bedding and table cloths and so on, it is also home to some camping items like sleeping bags, a small portable gas stove, mantels for the Aladdin kerosene lamps as well as a few other smaller bits and pieces that I was afraid would get lost elsewhere. I'm definitely going to have to rethink that, aren't I. I'm sure there are more practical places to store them. There are also the picnic basket, several cold storage bags, a coffee maker which makes very good coffee but is really too big for two people, some first aid materials and a lot of jars - and that's just what I can see. Who knows what's hidden at the back. There was a wine rack complete with bottles of wine until a few hours ago but those bottles - mostly gifts back in the day from people who didn't realise neither Pisces nor I drink alcohol - were obviously no longer fit to drink due to the corks having rotted so they've been emptied and dumped in the recycling bin. If anyone happens to look in there they're going to think we had quite a party.

4. To finish the novel I've been working on - it's about three quarters done that should be feasible. Shouldn't it.

5. To find somewhere I can practise spoken French and German. I'm doing quite well in reading and writing and understanding other people speaking but I'm very nervous about actually speaking either language myself so I need conversation groups of some sort.

So there you are. Wish me luck.

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