Sunday, May 24, 2020

2020 is

about to throw us another curve with a storm described as a once in a decade expected later today - and already the winds are very strong. We went around trying to check everything was as secure and safe as it can be but since it's only a couple of weeks since the last doozy things are already pretty well secured. We mostly get strong storm fronts like this in winter - it's been unusual to have them hit in May until recently and even then they've usually not been so severe as this. But, hey, all those climate change deniers and sceptics don't seem to have noticed how things are different these days and are still trying to convince us it's not really happening and if it is we don't really have to worry because it's a natural cycle.

I, though, am quite sure it's happening at an alarming rate and frankly, I'm scared, and in particular I'm scared about the future my grandchildren will inherit. So I got this.

I'm not a part of Extinction Rebellion - they're a worldwide group of climate change activists - but I know folk who are and, while I don't always agree with their methods, I certainly share their frustration at how our governments at all levels seems oblivious and/or uninterested in acting on what the science tells us is an obvious calamity bearing down on all of us. 

So I'm putting their signs on our garbage bins in the hope that a visible message out on the side of the road at least once a week will spread awareness a little more.

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