Saturday, December 29, 2018

Things I Saw This Morning.

  1. Elderberry blossom.

2. Two cats on the paving outside the door - one pure white, the other pure black. They were sitting like bookends - until they leapt at one another and and fought yowling and screaming across the backyard and over the back fence. Puss apparently didn't even notice. Too busy thinking about breakfast perhaps.

3. The beans I was just about to pull out as they had most of their leaves burnt off in the recent heat wave are shooting and flowering around their bases so they get a reprieve.

4. A stray 'volunteer' rockmelon has come up in the veggie patch. A gift from the compost heap perhaps?

5. The strawberries in the hanging baskets on the veranda which have just sat for months have suddenly produced flowers and fruit and they looked stunning and tasted delicious.

6. The rockmelons have fruit forming! These are from seeds I collected from a 'volunteer' plant several years ago and they are the best of these melons I've ever tasted.

7. The marri tree in our front garden blossom has opened - a little later than usual this year - and it's abuzz with nectar seeking honey bees.

8. We have ripe blueberries.

And that was in just the first hour after I got up. Who knows what else the day may bring.

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