Monday, April 24, 2023


It's been a grimly grey and damp day here today but in a rare break in the weather I went for a wander around my garden and this is what I found.

 These calendulas or pot marigolds brighten much of my garden from flower beds to the vegetable garen where they self sow. They are used medicinally I'm told and since they're edible they make a colourful addition to salads. Mostly though I just find them a cheerful addition to the garden,

The cymbidium orchids are in glorious bloom at the moment. I have several and as each stem of flowers opens I move it to a table on the veranda where its beauty can be enjoyed from inside the house.



 And finally here is one of my yellow bearded irises. I love these and have several large pots of them  - it was this lovely stem of blooms that drew me outside in the first place. The blossoms don't do well in heavy rain or strong wind - the delicate petals damage easily - but on a day like today they stay perfect.


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