Saturday, February 13, 2021

How I've Been Spending My Time Recently

 I was fed up because I never seem to get anywhere with the huge list of things that I really, really need to do and it is a very long and daunting list. 

So I sat down and wrote out the reasons why I hadn't been able to achieve anything worthwhile in the past week. Turns out I don't need to be beating myself up after all because the list of time consuming interruptions to my days was ridiculously big. I won't go into detail but since Thursday a week ago between us Pisces and I have had six medical appointments (there would have been seven but one was cancelled), we've had four visits to the pharmacy (one was due to a mix up on their part but still took up our time going back) and we had to go to the opticians to pick up our new glasses. On top of that Pisces was contacted by a specialist to arrange for him to go into hospital for a minor procedure next week. This took numerous phone calls as they had to call back about various things and as he's an IT illiterate, I spent about an hour the next day doing his online admission form (They say it takes about 30 minutes. They lie.) As well I spent most of one morning arranging new medical appointments and rescheduling others that had been cancelled due to the strict lockdown. Then the day after I had submitted the hospital admission they rang me to ask me half the questions on the form again. All this is, of course, on top of the normal things like doing the laundry, cooking meals and other household activities. 

While this was an exceptionally bad week looking ahead I can already see more of the same over the next month. We see medical people more than we see our friends now. That reminds me - somewhere in the middle of all this chaos a friend rang for a chat. Pisces, who took the call, said I would ring her back and I simply haven't had the time to do so yet. Sigh.

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