Friday, June 19, 2020


I had a few things in mind for today apart from going out to lunch with friends for the first time since the beginning of March. Then I saw the news headlines in the morning paper which Pisces still likes to get although this - our only local paper - has headed largely down the less than reliable and sensational tabloid route recently. That was depressing enough but then I opened up some of the news sites I read to get a more balanced view and that did not help. In fact it was even more depressing.

So in the interests of my sanity I took this photo of my cat sleeping in the sun.

He is super special because he was rescued as a kitten and before he came to us he'd already failed at rehoming. He was very afraid of everything and especially men and it took a long time and lots of patience on our part before he settled in with us. Then he was diagnosed with a  mega bowel when he was six. The vet told me then that most cats with this were unlikely to survive even twelve months after this diagnosis and all the research I did confirmed this. We decided to give him the best life we could for as long as he was happy and not suffering. Seven and a half years on he is still happy and healthy as long as he has daily medication and we are grateful for every day. We know everything could change any time but for now we just enjoy having him with us.



So sorry for your cat.
The cat will be fine
Thank you for sharing, have a lovely weekend

Helen V. said...

Thanks for your kind thoughts, Melody. I hope you have a lovely weekend, too.