Friday, May 01, 2015

It's Over

The A-Z Blogging Challenge that is. I've had fun writing about things I wouldn't necessarily normal think of, I've certainly increased my knowledge, both from my own research and from other bloggers, and I've found some interesting new blogs - as if I don't already spend far too much time reading interesting blogs. Sigh.

So will I do this again? No question. It's a good exercise to have to think about something new to write about on all but 4 days of a whole month. Sometimes it was a bit of a stretch, especially as I've not been well for much of April, but I did it. As I said above I've visited many blogs I would otherwise not have even heard about and this is a good thing. Not all were in line with my interests but a fair number were. I was fascinated to find so many blogs by writers. Hardly surprising, I suppose, since those of us who write tend to seek out any opportunity to play around with words.

So, in summary: it was highly enjoyable both from the point of view of writing my own posts and reading other people's blogs, it was a good exercise in writing to deadlines (something I've not done much of recently) and it was educational. If you haven't ever tackled the challenge, I recommend it highly.

See you next April for more blogging A-Z but I hope you'll stick around for the rest of the time between now and then, too.

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